Doodle what?

Doodle let’s meet! One of our colleagues sent me an email suggesting that I blog about this “neat free application to coordinate meeting dates and times.”

I had seen it from another colleague who used it to coordinate some meeting times with students, ie. scheduling Centra sessions, Skype sessions or other types of meetings. Also a handy tool to coordinate dates with family and friends.  One central location rather than email after email after email.

from “Doodle eliminates the chaos that comes from scheduling and saves you a lot of time and energy when you’re trying to find a time to bring a number of people together. Instead of using just one option, you can propose several dates and times and the participants can indicate their availability online. With one look, you’ll be able to see what the best time is for the meeting, and this works with any calendar system that is being used.”

Here is a comment from Leigh Cellucci, Ph.D. from the Health services and Information Management Department Doodle is an easy to use and manage. And, people can see when others on the team can and cannot meet; so, it helps with scheduling busy people!”

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